Were back on our original feed here at ForgotMyDice.com! This week Robert records his first episode in Portland… and screws up his audio, sorry for the dramatic echo and heavy breathing after the first segment (Robert was hunched over recording in a bad place), it will be fixed for the…
Delta Green
This week the boys interview Jamey Stegmaier (designer of Scythe, owner of Stonemaier Games) about his upcoming game Charterstone. Jonathan and Robert also spend most of the episode messing with each other, as they talk about what they have been up to, and all the news out of Gen Con. It’s…
This week, due to a severe lack of news and Kickstarters, we change our normal format. Our first segment, off the shelf, is back as normal. But we go over the best nerdy things of 2016, and then have a few predictions of 2017. Which at the time of recording…
It’s been a heck of a year at Forgot My Dice, we published 8 months worth of D&D home brew, fired up a podcast, had babies, and tons of other stuff. So lets take a look at the top articles, reviews, and posts of 2016! Top Posts #1) 7th Sea…
Gen Con happened and generated a ton of cool news, so this episode went a little long. We will get back to the 90 minutes or less format next time. Intro – 0.00 Unsung Heroes of FMD – 2:10 Cassie’s Deviant Art Page Tis New to Thee and the Awesome…
Dungeons and Dragons has always been my first love, which I started playing back during 2nd Edition, and it’s a game I always come back to. But the first RPG that blew my mind when I read it, so that it changed how I thought about RPGs, was the original…