We have fallen down a rabbit hole of trying out themes based on dares a couple of times now. So when we were at the shop talking about how the latest iteration of Scooby Doo is really good, the idea of making it the theme of the month came up. At first it seemed way to silly, but there is a lot of good stuff in there for any horror and mystery themed game, like the current D&D story Curse of Strahd. So check back in with us every Monday in May for new D&D content, based on everybody’s favorite mystery solving gang!
May 2nd – A Canine race for D&D!
Short – Racial Feat for the Anunna Hound by Robert!
May 9th – Coward and Ghost Hunter Background by Trevor!
May 16th – A Mystery Machine and a set of Cloaks for Villains by Robert and Trevor!
May 23th – Mixing D&D and GUMSHOE by Robert!
May 30th – Master Trapsmith Rogue Archetype by Trevor!
Other Articles Released This Month
Review of Delta Green RPG by Robert.