In a world where D&D exists, one of the questions I often find myself asking when I read fantasy RPG systems is this: Why am I playing this when I could be playing D&D? It’s a simple question, and not every game system has a satisfactory answer. Fantasy Age, however,…
This month, Monte Cook Games is running a Kickstarter for new Cypher System game products. So some of you out there might be wondering, is the Cypher System for you? Worry not, friendly reader, Forgot My Dice is here for you with a review of The Cypher System Rulebook! This…
In case you have missed it, I have wrapped up my 5th Edition Game, and we are now running Night’s Black Agents, which has been reviewed here before (Do You Want to Know More?). So far we have played 2 sessions of our Dracula Dossier campaign, with an additional night…
I’ve talked on social media about the game I’m running for D&D 5th edition. The Monday after the Players Handbook was released, we fired up a new campaign using the 3rd Edition adventure path Shackled City, which we ended up playing for over a year. On December 21, 2015, we…
The urge to write a review has struck again! I have read quite a few horror games over the month of October and I found another gem I wanted to tell you guys about. Night’s Black Agents is written by Kenneth Hite and was born by the designer “watching the…
For the second ever post on our site, we are going to bring you a review. While this blog will mostly feature new gaming content, we will post reviews every so often as the mood strikes us. It is October and I have had Cthulhu on the brain of late, so…